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New Event Peterborough Museum

We return to the Peterborough Museum for a spooky-nights.com Ghost Hunt.  

Date:  19th November 2010
Venue: Peterborough Museum
Location: Peterborough
Start Time: 20:30
Approx Finish Time: 02:00
Cost: £35.00 each

Ghosts of Peterborough Museum

A grey figure, said to be the 'Lonely ANZAC', First World War soldier Thomas Hunter who died in the building in 1916 from wounds received in France. His ghost is seen on the stairs or first floor corridor, and has most recently seen in June 2009.

A strange figure was also caught on camera on the stairs in April 2007.

A ghostly kitchen maid who fell to her death on the back stairs (which are not open to the public except for pre-booked tours) - did she fall, did she jump, or was she pushed? Female visitors report the impression of being pushed from behind by invisible hands, many people feel unwell in this area and strange noises have been heard.

A little girl returns in spirit form in the Geology gallery, leaving messages on tape recordings as well as terrifying a workman. She has also been seen on rare occasions, most recently in December 2008.

The Museum's eerie ancient cellar has a particular reputation, where slamming doors, strange noises and a threatening male presence have been reported. Items have been thrown at some ghost hunters, most recently in April 2009. In addition a hooded figure, that looks like a monk or priest, has been seen in the cellar, again most recently in February 2009. For a view of the cellar check our web-cam.

Banging doors, ghostly footsteps and voices, unaccountable smells, mysterious lights and orbs have all also been reported around the building....

A dark male presence has been seen and felt lurking near the Museum's recreation of a period shop on the first floor. Footsteps have been heard here, most recently in June 2008. 

A ghostly Roman soldier is said to be connected for eternity to his sword, on display in the Museum's archaeology gallery. He has been most recently seen in September 2006.

A white lady who follows visitors around the upper floor of the building was seen most recently by two visitors in October 2008.

Poltergeist activity has been reported in one of the ground floor rooms - furniture has been found mysteriously moved overnight, most recently in September 2007.

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1 comment:

Gary Albone said...

We are probably the cheapest group to do this venue, however the quality is at the highest.

We pride ourselves with our extensive list of equipment which we always bring along for our guests to use.

We run our nights so that you get the maximum amount of enjoyment and most importantly, you experience the most amount of paranormal phenomena on the night.

This venue is closing for a year for a total revamp and we are one of the last groups to venture in here before closure, so what you waiting for, get booked up today before we sell out.