The latest investigation at Sacrewell Farm on Friday April 2nd 2011 and as always didn't fail to disappoint. We had names on the Ouija board and some voices and dragging sounds hear by a number of members of the crew and guests.
Here you will find videos and reports from the nights events. This is an awesome venue - make sure you get in quick for the next one. If you dare...
Sacrewell farm Event Review
We started the evening with a walk around with the lights on, Angie in my group picked up on the name Ellesbeth, Alice and Francis.
Large group Human pendulum
We contacted a spirit called Ellesbeth who was 6 years old and worked at the farm, her parents were with her and her brother called Francis.
Small group in the first room in the house
on the ouija bourd we contacted a spirit called Ellesbeth who now says she is 12 years old and that alice is with her and alice is 5 years old and died in this room on the couch near the wall.
New spirit
This spirit said his name was Charles Hac the farm owner, then actually said he was Francis playing with us.
We then contacted another spirit who spelled his name TOJN he said he likes women.
Down stairs at the mill
on the ouija board we came up with a spirit spelling GNOC, TAR and THASQ. not making any sense then we decicded that this spirit knew Gary and Gary had seen him before he was a monk , an Abbott, We all felt cold spots all around us, whenever Gary went near the board the planchette stopped.
The spirit turned out to be Father Abraham who has been Known to make his self felt and seen before.Also Angie was being pushed several times.
Glass divination
We had the glass moving very fast to all corners of the board and twisting to make the peoples fingers come off, the glass also tipped over several times.
Ouija board in bakery
We came up with a spirit called Martha Jeffreys age 38
she was sitting in a rocking chair she died at 38 in the year 1925,
She had four sons and two daughters( Alice & Ellesbeth), her son was called Suliy (a nickname) Then spelled the name EUOPE from Europe.
Free time
I went upstairs at the mill with a small group and a stone was thrown and it hit Paul & Charmaine, we thew it back but it didnt come back to us.
Angie sensed a hanging in the mill from a beam caused by High jinx and messing around. She also came up with the name Mathew.
Human pendulum in the second room in the house
We came up with a male spirit who worked here died in 1730 at age 23. We then tried table tipping but there was no movement.
On the glass we came up with a female spirit who died in the 1800's and a male spirit who owned the farm with his family, he had a gun and shot someone to protect his family he thought he had done the right thing.
We ended the night with a short debreif, however during this time we could hear foot steps and dragging, banging and even voices talking upstairs, we know there was no one there and it was locked.
Thanks all I had a great night
good night,spooky photos,got some thing at the attic window,in the mill house,lots of orbs,it was a very good night,thanks
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