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On March 17th and 18th 2011 spooky-nightsUK.com visited the impressive Old Ferryboat Inn. Below you will find some of our pictures and videos from the event. Night 2 seemed more active than night one with stepping from behind the camera to do a spot of team leading. On behalf of the team we would like to thank the venue and guests. |
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The evening started with Debbie doing a demo and some pictures for some people, we then went into the large group seance where some people were feeling touches and sensing a small child.
First small group activity
On the ouija board my group came up with a male spirit whose name was Rmama or Amam who said he wa foreign died in 1920 aged 62, he had 5 children, came from Morocco he worked in the pub and he has grandchildren that are still alive.
Second small group activity in the Bar area
On the Pendulum we came up with a male spirit who did not work or live here and was not English.
Glass divination was unsuccessful.
Third small group activity in Bar Area
On the ouija board we connected to a male spirit called Bernard, died 1969, workedand lived in the Pub who died of cancer aged 27, he said he had Juliet with him who was 17 years old, who said her surname was spelt TOMBOZ, although we know this was not here surname, we were standing on her gravestone whilst doing this.
We then contacted the spirit of a nun, who was linked to the church in the village, she wished that she wasnt a nun because she was ashamed as she had been raped by a man of the cloth and became pregnant and had a child. She died in 1945 aged 38 and the man who raped and her baby still live.
After the outside seance, we came inside and returned to doing a ouija board in the pub, near to the gravestone and the pariticipants were blindfolded, whilst the planchette did move a little, the results did not make sense and were inconclusive. The crew then also had a go on the ouija board whilst blindfolded and the planchette never moved.
My team were in the function room and decided to use the ouija board. We connected with a male energy , with the initials DTA, a boy
possibly named David who was born in 1929 and died in 1939 from TB.
The boy also had a sister who died at the age of 18, in the same year as him from the same illness. Whilst we were communicating on the board with this spirit one of the customers felt their leg was being touched. The boy then stopped communicating with us.
We then asked again for another spirit to communicate with us, a male energy came through, who a sensitve member of the team felt was there on a secret mission possibly plotting the death of someone, the spirit then agreed with that statement moving the planchette to the yes. We asked whether this was a religion based issue which the spirit agreed with, he stated that he was a Catholic, Henry VIII was on the throne and they were plotting the death in a bid to return the old ways of Catholicism when Henry VIII died. Unfortunately we did not get any dates or names with this spirit.
Second small group acitivity
Once again in the function room, the team decided to use the ouija board, the planchette moved a little bit, saying was a female spirit who died in 1927, gave us the letter ULG when we asked for a name, so not sure whether they were initials but after that we had no further communication from her.
We then decided to try glass divination but with no success, a sensitive in the group picked up on a male spirit who appeared drunk, looking a bit like Greengrass in the corner of the room, who came across as being a letch, when he was being spoken about, a lady in the group felt really cold on her right hand side and also felt that she was being watched by someone standing at her side, others also felt a breeze across their hands at this time.
We also tried tabble tipping but had no success.
We then went outside to do a group seance to see if we could connect with the spirit of Juliet who had communicated with another group on the ouija board that she wanted us to go outside. Nothing was seen or heard during the seance so we returned to the Ferryboat.
The next ouija session was a blindfolded event, but unfortunately there were no clear names, answers or information. Part of the Spooky Nights crew then also tried the ouija being blindfolded but with no movement on the Planchette.
The Ferryboat 18th March
The evening started with a pendulum demonstration from Gary showing how easy it works for anyone with simple equipment then Debbie Dean doing some amazing psychic art.
First small group activity
First on the Ouija board we came up with a 7 year old girl but this
didnt go far then we contacted a male spirit age 37 who was Irish, his name was not picked up as the letters didnt make any sense(CRFTSF).
Automatic writing with Debbie
Everyone tried this and one or two people had some results
this was a great experiment.
Human pendulum with Gary
We contacted a little boy spirit who was not linked to the pub but died in the biulding,or a boat, he died at 3 years old, he likes water but not swimming, he had fallen down the cellar and lived in the pub. some of these answers were conflicting so make of this what you will, we could have been talking to more than one spirit wanting to get their story accross.
Small group activity in the bar area
We first came up with a foreign gentleman by the name of (VASH)
we then contacted a woman called Kathy Smith who died aged 69, in 1691 ,she had a daughter called Gillian, her husbund Andrew murdered them both. She lived in st Ives and her family owned the pub she worked on the land and sold veg at st Ives market. She told us that King William iv was on the throne during her life.
We also had the glass moving very fast in circles starting and stropping on demand.
We then did some Ouija in the bar but experienced absolutely nothing.
The evening started off by a basic meet and greet. Followed very shortly by Debbie Dean the resident medium for the night giving a psychic art demo and making connections with two spirits.
Gary then got the entire group to do a dowsing exercise and it was great to see our guests faces when these moved and they couldn’t explain what was going on.
We then moved onto a demonstration of the equipment and again we had a member of the audience take part in a dowsing rod exercise, and yet again these moved, and he didn’t have a explanation for it.
We then moved into a large group séance and people reported that they were going cold as well as people feeling generally uneasy.
After that we split into smaller groups, and my group took part on some glass divination and some Ouija Board, however i must report that it didn’t move at all, much to the disappointment of the group.
We then did some automatic writing as a large group, generally this was not successful at all, however there was a few people that did have some scribble on the paper and they didn’t even feel the pencil move at all.
After this we then swap small groups again and my group once again tried some glass divination, but nothing happened here. We then moved to the Ouija Board and this proved to be very successful, we were given the name of WHILLHAM (William?), and that he dies in 0541 and he was 71 when he passed to the spirit world. We did question this date but he spelt it out approx 4 times on the board and confirmed it to us.
We then moved onto the glass and this proved to be very good for us, the glass went flying around the table, the energies were very good. We also placed some coins on a table and the spirit moved the glass to knock the coins off the table when we didn’t have any lights on, and the people on the glass couldn’t see where the glass and the coins where, so was this spirit?
The groups then broke for some free time, and did some more Ouija board and glass divination.
Event report Ferryboat Inn Holywell 18/3/11
When we broke off into smaller groups, Myself and Lisa had a lovely group of ladies takepart in a ouija board, even though we were all in the same room fighting for probably the same spirits we had a lovely gentleman come through by the name of William Nelson who was connected to somebody in the room not the building. Even though we had to say goodbye to him it was nice for some of the ladies partaking as they had never done a ouija board before.
Our second vigil was with a larger group on a large table in the bar area where we had NOTHING :-( so we moved further towards the back of the bar. Some of the customers went with Debbie to do a smaller vigil, but we stayed and did some glass work to no avail but got some movement on the board- possibly a child so we tried using a marble and asked the glass to move the marble off the table for us. We did get deep into conversation about the pub and the area which helped build up the energy and the planchette did move but felt incredibly heavy and dragging so we turned our fingers nail side down to eliminate any accidental pressure.
Two of the gentlemen from our group were interested in doing a ouija board over the supposed grave of Juliet, unfortunately we only had a few twitches of the planchette.
In the free time session, the two gentlemen asked myself and Lisa to do another ouija board in the conference room with them and two other ladies joined us too. We did get a spirit by the name of Bill, unfortunately he seemed a bit of a joker, as he couldn`t answer or spell the questions we asked but was quick to answer yes and no to anything and his answers were conflicting! But still made to be an interesting vigil!
A very enjoyable evening and some truly lovely customers who i hope to see again on an event soon!
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