Date: 4th March 2011, 9th September 2011
Venue: Here Denny Abbey
Location: Waterbeach, Cambridgeshire
Cost: £35.00
Time: 08:30 - 02:00
To purchase or reserve tickets, click your preferred date above.
Denny Abbey

Denny Abbey is a former abbey near Waterbeach in Cambridgeshire. The Domesday Book said that it was owned by Eddeva in 1066, and subsequently by Alan, 1st Earl of Richmond.
A group of Benedictine monks moved here from their waterlogged monastery at Elmeney (a vanished settlement about a mile to the northeast) in the 1150s. They built a church, Denny Priory, which opened in 1159.
In 1169 the monks returned to Ely and the site was handed to the Knights Templar. The Templars built a number of additions, including a large Norman-style arched doorway and a Refectory. By the 1290s the Knights had lost their power, and in 1308 King Edward II had the entire order arrested and imprisoned, confiscating their property.
The abbey was closed in 1539, shortly after the Dissolution of the Monasteries, and was taken by the Crown. Its transept and choir were retained as a farmhouse, and the Refectory as a barn, but the nave was demolished.
There have been numerous sightings of nuns and monks, and a dark hooded man has often made himself known to our groups. The team have encountered stones thrown at us on previous investigations.
Stones have been thrown at us at this venue and well as cold breaths directly in peoples ears when nobody is around. Many people have reported the feeling of being watched in certain areas of the venue when they are alone in the room whilst others have run out in sheer panic.
Dare you join us at this very special venue?
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