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Harwich Redoubt Event Review

We kicked off another sell-out Spooky-Nights.com Ghost Hunt adventure at the The Harwich Redoubt.

The evening was started with the usual meet and greet from Gary. Basic housekeeping was discussed together with some basic health and safety instructions. Gary then explained for first timers, what type of things to expect and what to look out for, together with some of the known phenomena experienced at The Redoubt.

Anton then followed with a rundown of the equipment and what and how it can be used within the paranormal field.

We then went for a walk around so that people could get their bearings while the lights are on, and then we broke up into two small groups to start the evenings investigation off.

During the evening various table tipping sessions were experienced, some more successful than others, probably the better session was the last one of the evening, where we had a person on the table that had made himself known to us earlier in the night. The table was rocking quite well and started to walk across the floor. Unfortunately at this point we didn’t have any cameras available to video it.

Also a very strong smell of sulphur could be smelt by various members of the group, but it was coming in waves, it wasn’t a constant smell. This was experienced during a human pendulum which 3 people volunteered to take part in.

We also had volunteers to do solo vigils in the cells, and both Catherine and Jo lasted more than 10 mins each in there, and a few things where experienced, a few taps and a feeling that someone touched one of them.

Also in the cell area, Debbie our medium for the night sensed a presence of a man with her, in the middle cell and she felt like she was being pushed in another cell, which we have experienced on previous visits as well.

Some audio phenomena were also witnessed by a group and also a door banging was experienced by a group.

So what have I missed, let’s hear your side of the story!

Big thanks to the crew for this event and also The Harwich Society for letting us use their venue.


Anonymous said...

I would just like to thank the spooky nights crew for our first ghost hunt. we really enjoyed it and experianced a few things we could find any explanations for other than paranormal. My mother inlaw bolted a door in the boat room we went into an adjacent room with Debbie the pyscic we held hands and asked the spirits to give us a sign at this piont the door was unbolted and slamed time after time. I would also like to thank the spirit Charlie for his appearances. we are looking forward to more ghost hunts in the future. Thanks again xx

Spooky-Nights.com said...

I really enjoyed this evening, a great bunch of customers and a great energy between them, the table tipping at the end was quite strong and the sulphur smell that kept coming and going was almost breath taking.