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EVP Phenomena recorded at Sacrewell Dec 2010

This was recorded on a run of the mill voice recorder during a Ouija Board session at Sacrewell Farm in December 2010.

What is happening here is that Jane Davidson who was our resident medium for the night, is conducting a Ouija board session. This is where we ask spirit to communicate with us via a board with letters and numbers on it and using a planchette to point to the letters and numbers.

During this recording you can hear Jane asking spirit to communicate with her and the group, and you can also hear the planchette moving across the board.

If you listen carefully while the planchette is still moving and while Jane is still in full flow, you can hear what sounds like 3 taps on a glass. A little further on you can hear a ‘ting’ which sounds like it’s in the background, and a few seconds later you can hear what we can only describe as a bell being rung right next to our microphone.

During the night, these noises were not heard by any crew member or members of the group. So the question is what are they and who did it?

We would love to hear your thoughts on this.


Lisa said...

So what do we think that was about then, sounded like a school bell.

Gary Albone said...

I dont know but its very strange and out of character for that venue, so as were back there on Friday, lets hope it does it again and then we can match the two up.

Artie said...

I hate to be the one to pooh-pooh evidence but could this possibly be interference from the recorder itself? You see, unless two devices used at the same time and in the same space pick up the same sounds the potential for someone to suggest as I have remains. With two devices it becomes less arguable and more probable that something external interfered with the devices - paranormal. A wee bit like having witnesses - if one person claims to have seen/heard something it can be put down to either deliberate or unconscious but two independent people witnessing the same thing is more corroborative. And I'm a believer!!! lol

Gary Albone said...

It could well be interference which is why we have published it and asking for your comments, and yes i agree in an ideal world we should have 2 recording at once, but on this occasions we didn't have,

However what I would say is, I can clearly hear a clink on glass before what I am describing as a bell ringing.

If it is interference from the recorder or anything around it, it still makes interesting listening don't you think?

saraB said...

that was so loud!!! how can interferance sound like a bell???
there is a bell there and it rung on its own when me and andy were on a walk about before the event started. and it sounded just like that!

Gary Albone said...

Oh yeah I forgot about that Sara, when you and Andy had a walk around, you did ask me is there a Bell local, and I said it hadnt ever been reported before, and then this happens on the night.

How interesting, but is it Paranormal?

Andy Soar said...

We did later discover where that particular bell was located thanks to resident medium John Gilbert. However, it rang when we were around 10 metres from where we could have affected it - and no one else was present in that area at the time. The sound itself was as though the bell had been struck. Clear and audible. However, there was simply no way that it could have been struck by anyone present. Could it have been a draft (this is a cold and drafty building)? Probably not - otherwise the bell would have rung throughout the evening which it didn't. I cannot explain it. It didn't seem normal - but I couldn't definitively say it was paranormal. But very eerie indeed!