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Spirits of Christmas - Sacrewell Farm Event Review

Sacrewell Farm proved to be as spooky as expected on a very cold December's night. For me - the webmaster's first outting at spooky-nightsUK.com's exclusive venue, there were many highlights that I will take away with me.

Sacrewell is intimidating enough with the lights on but with the lights off takes a dimension all of it's own. The buildings have a strong presence about them with the uneven wooden floors, gaping windows and lack of symmetry adding to the feelings of unease.

My first bit of exploration started in the Mill building itself as both myself and new crew member Sara Bebbington had the run of the area just before the main party arrived. It was during this time we heard a bell ring - not that we could see one throughout the building. However, thanks later to one of our resident medium's John Gilbert - we found a partial answer to this bell in one of the key points of the mill. I'll not tell you any more than this as you will need to experience this for yourself at this EXCLUSIVE venue. I say partial explanation because of the way the bell actually sounded...

Whilst in the actual house itself, although a little unnerving with it's low ceilings, we had little to report. We both heard what could have been a breath sound, but equally a couple of cats were on the prowl so one of these could have been responsible. What impressed here was that after we had left this part of the building and returned after the seance, a stool had been moved towards the entrance of a door in the upstairs floor that both of us would clearly have been able to remember!

After the meet and greet and introductions, it was onto the first part of the evening. The seance.

The seance was very interesting, the room going darker and darker on several occasions arousing feelings and smells that... hey you must discover these for yourself!!! The EMF reader was off the scale at several points and one individual was referenced by Jane and Debbie. 

The groups then split to investigate 2 different areas. For me this was the first time I had experienced use of glass twisting and the ouija board. What was great here was that both Jane and John took great care with these devices and gave knowledgeable support to my questions making me feel very comfortable in this task. One of the guests had some family members name checked on the board before closing the session. The glass twisting felt very strange and was very impressive at the same time. 

After a short break and change of locations, I witnessed a human pendulum session for the very first time which was again an unusual experience (check this out on our http://spooky-nightsuktv.blogspot.com/). There were many temperature drops at this point.

We were then left to explore the buildings, which for me was probable the most memorable parts of the night. Very eerie - feelings of being watched, shadows moving, presences nearby. I had a feeling first that the back of my hair was being touched, then the top of my hair (which when John shone a torch illustrated that my 6'4" height was touching the ceiling). This didn't explain the sensation at the back of my head however... 

The event's debriefing at the end of the night was very informative and in many ways horrific. There are so many things that I could write here, the history, the names, Sacrewell Farm's disturbing past - but it must be experienced to really feel it. As the location is exclusive, spooky-nightsUK.com have more events lined up here in 2011 and I strongly suggest you treat yourself to what I promise you will be a night to remember.

Thanks again to Gary and every single member of the crew (you know who you are!) and all of the guests who made the proceedings go so smoothly.



Andy Soar said...

Find out more about my first outting to Sacrewell Farm in my personal review of the Spirits of Christmas event.

Andy Soar said...

And just taking this opportunity to wish Maddy, Ian and Georgie Wyse a merry Christmas.

Maddy said...

Bless you Andy - we had a wonderful time. Ian still can not explain the events of the evening and we would love to know the meaning behind the bell that we also heard. That was the third time I have been to Sacrewell Farm and it has never failed to disappoint.
We are looking forward to a wonderful Christmas, one where Georgie has been completely spoilt, and wish you the same. Enjoy the holidays.
Maddy and Ian.