Welcome to Spooky-NightsUK.com - The Right Choice! offering Ghost Hunts at affordable prices at some of the UK's most haunted locations.

Crew Member Announcement

Some sad news. We would like to wish one of our senior members of spooky-nights.com, Anton, a swift recovery after he was rushed into hospital on Sunday night and has since undertaken a major operation. We are pleased he is now in the recovery stage and we would like to let him know we are all thinking of him.

Get well soon Anton.


Spooky-Nights.com said...

Ive popped in to see him guys, and i have seen him in better circumstances but im sure the doctors and nurses will do all they can for him, even if he did get me told off by the sister within minutes of my arrival !

Don't forget all your family and friends are here for you. If you need ANYTHING just ask mate, you have helped me out so much with stuff, its my turn to return the favours.

Im sure all the customers, crew and friends from the paranormal world and beyond will send you lots of healing.

Dont forget what I said about asking your friends to help. See you Friday if not before my right hand man!

Gary Albone

Karen Lorraine said...

Get well soon Anton x

Maddy Wyse said...

Get well soon Anton. Looking forward to seeing you at a ghost hunt soon! xx

Anonymous said...

Get Well Soon Anton, from Mandy and the R.I.P.P Team :)

Anonymous said...

sending healing to Anton. get well soon fella.

Artie said...

Wow! Thanks guys. Just read this and am honoured to be held in such high regard by you all.

Little bit concerned about 'Annonymous' and the association with the R.I.P. team - though it was awfully close, it wasn't quite R.I.P. Anton. lol. Hey, you could have always kept in touch with me if it had have gone t'other way with the talking board. I'd be sure to have left a message or two. lol

Anway, many, many thanks to you all for your kind messages of support and good wishes. It's now near the end of January and I have attended my first hunt at the Hind Hotel in Wellingborough and I hope to be fully operational very soon. In fact, the only venues I will not be able to attend are Denny Abbey as there are no real toilet facilities for people with my current condition. lol

Take care and God bless all - Anton. X