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Holmewood Hall: The First Visit Review

The evening was started by Gary doing a meet and greet to the staff and partners of Holmewood Hall. Following that Gary went through a few housekeeping do’s and don’ts before asking Anton to run through the equipment to show people what it is used for and how to use it.

After that Jane, the resident medium for the night, made a connection with the spirit world, a gentleman in uniform with a Italian connection.

We then had a walk around the building so that everyone could get their bearings with the lights on before retiring to the restaurant for a lovely meal provided by Holmewood Hall.


After the meal we then begun the ghost hunt, starting with a large group séance, where people were experiencing some cold spots around them, Gary was sitting on the stairs and could sense a spirit behind him, which was confirmed at the time by Jane. Also sudden cold breezes were experienced on the stairs as well. Anton heard footsteps on the middle level of the staircase but no one was there.

A few strange noises were heard, but nothing that we could definitively say were from within the building, as they may have come from outside.

We then broke up into smaller groups and begun Ouija Boards and glass divination etc. A fairly quiet night generally, although we feel spirits were with us on the night, but as this the first investigation to take place in the venue, the spirits may of been shy.

Anton did have a couple of Ouija Board Sessions with various groups, and got a name spelt out to the team, as well as some other information. We did a human pendulum session with one group and again this did seem to work and got some yes and no answers to some random questions we asked.

Everyone had a great night and enjoyed the new experience at Holmewood Hall and the spooky-nights.com team look forward to returning back here in November for another fun filled investigation. Below you will see some of the videos and audio filmed during the event. 

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Spooky-Nights.com said...

Its now 8.25 pm, all the guests have arrived, and raring to go, keep your eye here for regular updates.

lisa bryan said...

hi. on my first ever vigil with spooky nights i felt the evening went well. holmefield hall is a great place and very peaceful. when jane opened i first picked up a feeling on my chest which usually suggests someone unknown had a heart condition. at the time jane was talking about a man in the armed service. on the opening seance i picked up someone on the top stair landing watching us, felt drafts and picked up on children especially a little boy. during the human pendulum my crystal pendulum was also answering the questions. on going to the attic again someone was very much in the corridors looking in and watching but, i feel as its the first ever investigation there, children and other spirits may not be used to ouiji boards, table tipping etc and the more visits to this great place the more spirit will start to communicate. i dont feel anything negative or bad at holmewood hall and would like to thank gary, the crew and the people who attended.

John Gilbert said...

hi all, well first visit to Holmewood hall and what a beautiful and idylic location.the Hall is not that big but it sure does have lots of little rooms,hallways and nooks and crannies it was amazing.We all found the whole house to be extremely warm and yet was assured the heating had not been on,very uncanny for a building so big and old.
At the beginning of the night when we held the seance people including myself were feeling cold spots as if someone or aomething had gone past,taps and shadows were heard and seen on the balcony on the top of the staircase.
Upon going round in smaller groups a lot of taps were heard and i could sense a number of presences in the hallways and doorways.I do feel there is a lot of activity in the Hall but seeing as this was the first ever that an investigative crew has been there we were just simply being observed.
I eagerly look forward to the next event as i believe some great evidence can be experienced in Holmewood Hall.
A big thank you to Gary for organising it and to the British Sugar staff for allowing to hold the investigation there.

e said...


Janet Simon said...

well, what a fantastic building! first of all I would like to thank everyone at Holmewood Hall for making it such a lovely evening and making us feel very welcome.

The building somewhat reminded me of steven kings Rose Red, lots and lots of rooms to investigate going off in all kinds of directions. The house definately had different feels to it in each area we went to. Some of the rooms made me feel quite sick, and I had a head ache for the majority of the evening, these feelings seemed to come and go when moving to different rooms. Dragging noises were heard that the other team couldnt account for at one point, and we experienced some quite clear but quiet tapping noises on demand in the attic. I felt there was the presence of a cat in the attic also as i felt it brush past my leg. Down at the bottom of the main stair case there were significant blasts of cold air felt by more than one member of the group, although it is possible that it may have been a draft from somwere that I couldnt really find. One room the came just off the back of the old kitchen, seemed to make me nervous. One medium was picking up the possibility of some sort of animal slaughter in there. It wasnt a very nice room, probably the only one in the house that made us quite uneasy.

As for use of equipment, we didnt get anything through on the spirit board, or any significant movement from glass divination, although at one point we thought that the glass was moving backwards and forwards ever so slightly, but its up to everyone to decide what they thought about that. I think mainly there were alot of spitits with us that evening, but were watching , intruiged by what we were doing. Hopefully by our next visit to the hall, we will be able to communicate and get some names and dates via using our tools. The K11 meter seemed to be a favourite with spirit, although there were alot of wireless routers set up around the building which could have affected it, bearing in mind that they do send out around 100 signals per second so wouldnt the k11 be going crazy for the whole time?! Also, it would flash to orange and then to red on demand :).

A great place to investigate, and hope the spirits come out to play at the next investigation.

Jane Davidson - Resident Medium said...

What a brilliant venue this is. The building is stunning to look at and equally as beautiful inside. I couldn't get over how warm it was in there despite the fact there was no heating on at all. The seance we did together at the start of the evening was reasonably quiet but we became aware of a spirit man standing just behind Gary who was feeling cold drafts blowing around him. Odd as we were all feeling very warm in there. Table tipping in the same area was not a great success but we could feel the energy in the table for a short while before we moved onto another area. The most enjoyable room for me that night was the coffee room. As I walked in there it appeared to be full of a smoky substance as if there were people in there smoking although there wasn't of course. As I sat down I became aware of a man that again was observing us and from the description of him and the name he gave us (which escapes me right now) Karen from British Sugar thought perhaps he was one of the Miles brothers that used to reside there. We used the ouija board in this room too and quickly got it moving. The name that came out during this session on the board was Hinton but we couldn't validate that name with anyone we knew had been connected to the building at that time.

It was a fairly quiet night from an investigative point of view but I felt spirit people all around us as if we were being watched and they seemed a little reticient about stepping forward for us.
A fantastic venue and one I will look forward to going to again. Thanks to British Sugar for making us so welcome and being such an active part of the investigation and for the wonderful food.