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* New Event * Ruthin Gaol, Denbighshire May 2011

We return to Ruthin Gaol for another spooky-nights.com Ghost Hunt. 

Date: 28th May 2011
Venue: Ruthin Gaol
  Ruthin, Denbighshire
Cost: £45.00
Time: Here 21:00 - 03:00

Ruthin Gaol

Ruthin Gaol

There has been a prison on the Ruthin Gaol site since the seventeenth century. It is one of the most impressive buldings in North Wales and the only purpopse-built Pentonville style prison open to the public as a heritage attraction. 

Since its reopening in May 2002 after a two million pounds restoration project, people can spend time exploring its nooks and crannies and learn about life in the Victorian prison system. 

See how the prisoners lived their daily lives: what they ate, how they worked, and the punishments they suffered. Explore the cells including the punishment, 'dark' and condemned cell. 

Find out about the Welsh Houdini and William Hughes the last man to be hanged there...

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Ruthin Gaol

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