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The Georgina Wyse Appeal

We have designed a website for a very special little girl who deserves something nice in her life. Spooky-Nights.com and i-need-graphics.com have come together to try and help Georgie have a very special day and we would like you to help.

Georgina is a beautiful bright eyed girl, who has recently due to illness been spending time in and out of hospitals over the last few months, although it has been hard on Maddy and Ian, Georgina’s parents, Maddy has not once moaned.

We would like you to help us raise money to send her and her parents to give her an all expense paid day to remember at Legoland, where she has always wanted to go.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for doing this, its great to know that Maddy, Ian and Georgie have such good friends.

Best of luck with the appeal.
Georgies Gran and Grandad, Linda and Bob Glasby

Spooky-Nights.com said...

Thats no problem, hope we can raise some money for a nice day out for her.

Spooky-Nights.com said...

I would personally like to thank each and everyone of you that has donated to The Georgina Wyse Appeal.

I set you the task of raising £300 by Sunday night, and I am delighted to say, not only have you raised £300, with all your kind donations you have actually raised £313.00.

I know that Maddy and Ian, Georgina's parents are so happy that anyone would do such a thing for there daughter, and it will give me a great pleasure to meet up with Maddy and Ian to hand over the money that you guys have raised. I would also like to thank Andy Soar, for his work on making the blog site to make this happen.

Im sure we will all look forward to seeing the pictures of Georgina on her day out, and showing us her gorgeous smile.

Maddy and Ian Wyse said...

Thank you to all of our friends and family that have done this for Georgina - I really do not know what to say to pass on my gratitude for what you have all done - there are no words that are even close to expressing how we feel. We will keep you updated on Georgies progress and put up the pics of her having the fun that she deserves!! Thank you. Love Ian and Maddy xxx